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Important notices

What You Need to Know

Québec Blue Cross Cancellation or Interruption insurance: 

If you purchased your policy (including this coverage) before February 23, 2024, you are covered. This means that Québec Blue Cross will provide coverage for any cancellations or interruptions related to Lynx Air. 

However, if you bought your travel insurance including Trip Cancellation or Interruption on or after February 23, 2024, it will not cover this specific situation, as it is now publicly known. 

Provider default: 

Keep in mind that certain limitations apply in the event of Provider default. For complete details, please refer to your travel insurance policy


What you can do:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.