24/7 Assistance during your trip
Get help at any time during a medical emergency by contacting Blue Cross Travel Assistance.
- From anywhere in Canada and the United States, toll free: 1-800-361-6068
- From anywhere else in the world, call collect: 514-286-8411
Find out how to make a long-distance call from your destination. That way, you'll be able to contact our travel assistance service, in case of emergency.
In case of emergency, accident, or medical consultation:
1. Call our travel assistance service* immediately to be referred to the nearest medical resource (doctor, clinic, hospital, Medical Consult Telephone Service).
If you are already in a care facility or need to be taken there urgently, contact us as soon as possible.
2. Have the following information handy to open your assistance file:
- Insurance contract number
- Health insurance number
3. Keep original and detailed invoices for all services and medical care received during your trip. You’ll need them when filing a claim.